That's Just the Way It Is

I'm the most fabulous person that you are ever gonna meet...that being said, read on...

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

We met one late, fateful July evening in a parking lot...little did we know that almost two years later, we would be taking the plunge. Please join us in celebrating our new life together.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ok, so I get pretty bored at work & needed something to occupy my idle time. So, after I've finished the Sudoku puzzle for the day, I will tell all of you about my wonderfully interesting, surprisingly dramatic life. Enjoy!


Blogger Kara (Turskey) Vaught said...

I cannot wait to read all about your life and times. Although, I wonder if there is anything you can blog about that I don't already know. Wait, I take that back. I am CERTAIN there are plenty of random things you do that you don't even remember long enough to tell me about. You better figure out how to blog from your cell phone in case you pass out before you get back to work/home!

5/25/2006 1:45 PM  
Blogger LoriLoo310 said...

Yay! Welcome to the blogger cult. You shall become addicted, as it provides me hours of entertainment while bored at work.

5/25/2006 4:16 PM  

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