That's Just the Way It Is

I'm the most fabulous person that you are ever gonna meet...that being said, read on...

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

We met one late, fateful July evening in a parking lot...little did we know that almost two years later, we would be taking the plunge. Please join us in celebrating our new life together.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tennis Lessons

Ok, so I am kind of an impulsive person. I think of something, get it stuck in my head, and then I have to do it right away. Well, I have a tennis racquet but have no clue what to do with it. I got it several months ago because my friend and I were going to learn how to play but never did. The fact that I never use it didn't bother me until about a month ago. I was cleaning out the trunk of my car and found it again, where it had been since like September when I failed at my first attempt at tennis. Well, ever since then, I just HAD to take tennis lessons.

I looked online and found a place that offered them and so I signed up. Well, last night, I took my first lesson. I was so excited. I went with my pretty pink racquet in hand, just waiting to display what I thought would be my one true natural talent. So, Coach Mike (which I was hoping would be a hot, blonde, 20-something, Swedish guy, but no such luck) showed us forehand and backhand stroke and then set up the practice tee. I was the fourth person "up to bat." I took my ready-stance...circled my swing...and "Clank," I hit the metal part of the tee with my pretty pink racquet instead of the ball. Coach Mike demonstrated the so-called "correct" way to hit the ball and encouraged my to try again. So, I wind up and "CLANK," I hit the tee again but this time even harder. Coach Mike just smiles and says maybe I'll get the hang of it when he starts hitting balls to us--it was a pity smile.

I was a little shocked; how dare I not be wonderful at something! To make matters worse, when I went back to stand with the group, I inspected my pretty pink racquet and there are now several dents in the frame. Stink! So, I watch everyone else go (some of which hit the tee even harder than I did). I did a bunch of practice swings and then I thought "ok, I SO get this now."

So then, its time for real balls. Coach Mike hits them to us...I see the neon yellow blur coming towards me...I get anxious...I swing...and all I get is air. A few more air balls go by; at this point, I'm starting to think that tennis may not be my forte. Coach Mike hits another ball to me, and I hit it almost perfectly (well, relatively perfectly)! After that, I had only one more air ball. He said that I just kept getting better, and I said, "Well, just look where I had to start from...anything is an improvement from airballs."

My next lesson is Thursday. We'll see how much I retain. I have absolutely no natural rhythm, so I have to think a lot about where to put my feet and how to move my arms. Coach Mike told me to follow through with my swing and I ended up hitting my own backside with the racquet. I'm not the worst one, I'm somewhere in the middle. There are these two older "Plano-ie" women (aka trophy wives) wearing these cutesy little tennis skirts showing everyone else up (okay, maybe that's just jealousy talking because I suck at tennis), but still, I have to know that I can actually hit the ball before I sink anymore money into tennis. I'll keep you posted on my progress!


Blogger LoriLoo310 said...

Yay! I love playing tennis. If only I had the time to play. My mom is "the master of all that is tennis." She doesn't work, she plays tennis. She doesn't go on vacation, she takes trips to play or watch tennis. It gets a little freaky at times, but I think it's starting to rub off on me. I didn't go to regular camp growing up, I went to tennis camp!

5/31/2006 5:24 PM  
Blogger Kara (Turskey) Vaught said...

Ok, don't tell me you weren't there in a cute little outfit just like the Plano women!

6/01/2006 11:56 AM  
Blogger Emily & Daniel said...

Kara, I was wearing shorts and my Kai O intramural shirt thats covered in rhinestones.

6/01/2006 12:28 PM  

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