That's Just the Way It Is

I'm the most fabulous person that you are ever gonna meet...that being said, read on...

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

We met one late, fateful July evening in a parking lot...little did we know that almost two years later, we would be taking the plunge. Please join us in celebrating our new life together.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm BAaaack!

Sorry that its been so long since I have posted. I got a promotion at work and don't have as much "free time" now. I know you missed me...Or did you!?

I have many things to the short:

1. Christmas was great, lots of gift cards, getting a Dyson (yea!)
2. January--not much happened that I can remember, we had snow in Texas
3. Valentine's Day--my sweet boyfriend freaked me out with an engagement-looking ring. I still have nightmares about it, but I love my ring...oh yeah, and him too
4. Sing Song! Terrible!! Except for the Kai-O's who were amazing! I'm so proud!! But they really have to do something about the hosts and hostesses; they must be stopped
5. This weekend, going to the North Texas Irish Festival. yes, Gracie is going and I reserve the right to put a green feather boa on her

I'll keep posting because I know that my public needs me!