That's Just the Way It Is

I'm the most fabulous person that you are ever gonna meet...that being said, read on...

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

We met one late, fateful July evening in a parking lot...little did we know that almost two years later, we would be taking the plunge. Please join us in celebrating our new life together.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Update to Jaw Surgery Update

I found some pics that I had taken about a week after my surgery and just thought I would post them for whoever was doing research about Orthognathic Surgery (see previous surgery posts as well). Even though I looked fairly normal, I was in a ton of pain for about 3 weeks before the swelling really started to go down. Seeing these pics might make you feel a little bit better though. The best advice I can give you is to take Advil (3-4) every 4-6 hours and keep ice on your face at ALL times. This helps with the swelling and the faster the swelling goes down, the less bruising you get and the better you feel.

Day 7: This was me before my 1 week follow up appointment with the surgeon. Disclaimer: he did say that I was healing a lot faster than most other people who had the same types of surgeries. And he was surprised that I was already looking so good.

These next pics were taken the next 8 days after surgery.

I really hard to work hard to smile...almost exhausting...and I couldn't get each side to work at the same time.

Day 10

View of the contraption holding my mouth together. Not visible: 16 screws, four metal plates and a piece of human bone.

Approximately 12 Days After the Surgery

The Only Outward incisions that were made, one on each side. The inside of my mouth was totally mutilated though.

I you are thinking about having the surgery, I hope these pictures help you make whatever
decision is right for you. Good luck!

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