Likes And Dislikes
Things I Like:
Things I Dislike:
- Taking a shower in the morning and then crawling back in my nice warm comfortable bed before the alarm goes off again
- Playing tag with Gracie outside...its really funny. If I stop trying to tag her, she'll get really close and then run away like she's teasing me
- A guy wearing a crisp white shirt, untucked
- Deciding which pair of heels to wear in the morning
- My extensive "cheap" jewelry collection
- My limited "real" jewelry collection
- Watching the Simpsons and Seinfeld reruns. Even though I have seen them all at least five times, they are still great
- Running in the morning when it is still dark outside
- My feather ball in my car. It makes me happy
- Going out to nice lunches for work
- Driving late at night when there are no other cars on the road
- When I write my name really pretty or sign the perfect signature
- Driving with the windows down
- When I open my mailbox and find a catalogue
- Going shoe shopping on my lunch break
- Popping pimples (I know its weird and bad for your skin, but I just can't help myself)
- Getting decent-sized perfume samples
- Doing my grocery shopping at Walmart in the middle of the night when I know it won't be crowded
- Happy Hour Margaritas
- Telling people about my random thoughts and then them leaving me comments!
Things I Dislike:
- People who don't do what they say they are going to do (aka Liars)
- Playing phone tag
- Having to be somewhere when I have a hangover
- Checking my mail or email and finding that it is all junk
- People who take their bad moods out on others
- Styrofoam
- Bad hair days
- Bad skin days
- Walking outside barefoot--hello, tetanus
- Having nothing to do but this at work. I feel guilty getting paid for as much as I sit with nothing to do
- People reading about my random thoughts and them not leaving me comments.
I just stumbled upon your blog from your Comment on Ragus Pug and it looks like you have a neat blog here! Your daily thoughts are fun to read about. Your doggie (saw a few posts down) is too cute. I am loving her *PINK* toenails!
Check out my baby Coco the Maltese/Poodle (Maltepoo) sometime on his daily blog ;o)
I like the jewelry collections too. You can grow that catalog collections quickly if you buy one thing a month from different catalogs....I did that years ago and I get so many catalogs. I love looking at them but I don't buy too much anymore.
As much as I love all my fake jewelry, my real jewelry always brings a smile to my face. This weekend my mom got saphire earrings, necklace and bracelet from my dad for her 50th bday. I was totally jealous.
And yes, I hate it when people read my posts and don't bother to leave a comment. If you have no comment, then at least say "no comment." Sheesh!
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