That's Just the Way It Is

I'm the most fabulous person that you are ever gonna meet...that being said, read on...

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

We met one late, fateful July evening in a parking lot...little did we know that almost two years later, we would be taking the plunge. Please join us in celebrating our new life together.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Don't Be Jealous...I Can't Help That I Gotz Skillz!

This weekend was my friend Sarah's Birthday party. Her aunt threw her a wonderful shin-dig at this wonderful lake house. We ate, we drank, we went out on the some sun, hung out with friends, had a great was so much fun, until...

I decided to drunk water ski. Sadly enough, this was the best picture. By the way, lake water does not taste as yummy as one might think.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Favorite Band

These guys are the new N'Sync. Check 'em out. They have the sound, the have the look, and man, can they dance!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My Vacation

My jaw is all jacked least that's what the dentist, orthodontist, and oral surgeon seem say (not exactly in those words, I paraphrased). When I was growing up, I must have forgotten to drink my milk one day, because one side of my lower jaw grew longer than the other side of my lower jaw. Anyway, it left me with quite a mess when I got older. My teeth grew to match my jacked up bite, and no matter how many retainers and expanders and whatever else I had, it wouldn't un-jack itself.

Every dentist that I have ever been to has told me that I need jaw surgery (Orthognatic Surgery). Basically, they cut out the inside of my mouth, saw my jaw bones into several different pieces and then stick it all back together with little metal pins. It sounds awful and painful, but I think it might be worth it. I grind my teeth at night so bad that it wakes me up sometimes, I have awful TMJ, and after braces have started moving my teeth around, I can visibly tell which side is longer now.

So, I am going to have the surgery at the beginning of next year. It is crazy expensive and not covered by insurance and takes several weeks to be able to move my jaws again and 6 months to 2 years to recover fully. I will be using my vacation days from work as recovery time. Fun! I might not get a tan, but at least I will get some drug-induced rest and lose all that holiday weight, since I won't be able to eat solid food for about two months.