That's Just the Way It Is

I'm the most fabulous person that you are ever gonna meet...that being said, read on...

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

We met one late, fateful July evening in a parking lot...little did we know that almost two years later, we would be taking the plunge. Please join us in celebrating our new life together.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Tennis Update

So, last Thursday was my last tennis lesson in the beginner's class. It was fun, but also a whole lot harder than it looks. I thought I had improved a lot, but I don't know that Coach Mike would agree. But whatever its not like "his way" of playing tennis is the only way--I have my own style, my own flair!

One of the biggest problems that Coach Mike had with my version of tennis is that I like to hop. Every time I would hit the ball, I would follow it with a little hop or even a leg pop (like where you just kick one leg back). I don't know why I did, it just seemed to happen so naturally. I would still hit the ball (most of the time, sometimes miss it entirely), so I don't think he really should have been on my case, but whatever. He did say that I had good foot work and that I reacted quickly, but I was definitely not the teacher's pet. Plus, I would frustrated and screamed near obscenities (like "dang it" and "crap") when I missed the ball.

The last lesson, we played doubles. Well, I had missed the class about serving because that was the day that I had contact trouble, so I made up my own style for that too (who really cares if it doesn't go in the "right" box). At one point, I went to serve and forgot to move my hand out of the way and I smacked my thumb and middle finger knuckles with my pretty pink racquet, which probably put another dent in it but more importantly in my fingers. My thumb was totally numb until the next morning and it still hurts to bend my middle finger. It turned all blueish purple and I showed Coach Mike and he said, "why doesn't that surprise me," to which I responded, "Oh, its been much worse, like the time that I got attacked by a foosball table." He was less interested in that story.

So, now that tennis is over, I can start going back to yoga again because the whole experience has totally knocked my Chi out of balance. I think the only reasons I will ever take tennis lessons again is if I: A) have a hot instructor (Coach Mike, not really a looker) or B) marry a rich doctor and need to be able to hold my own with the other country club wives (only half-way joking). Its not like I thought I was going to become (insert famous tennis player's name here) or anything, but at least I kinda know what to do now. I got a lime green tennis skirt (my power color) and I am playing a friend this weekend. So, even if I am not "good," at least I will look cute!


Blogger LoriLoo310 said...

I have to confess ... in high school I took a beginning tennis class because the instructor was totally hot. I had been playing tennis for 10 years.

6/23/2006 4:23 PM  
Blogger Kara (Turskey) Vaught said...

So do I need to take tennis lessons? This is just a guess, but I don't think your chi has ever been in balance, unless there's such a think as a chimartini!

6/24/2006 2:36 PM  

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