That's Just the Way It Is

I'm the most fabulous person that you are ever gonna meet...that being said, read on...

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

We met one late, fateful July evening in a parking lot...little did we know that almost two years later, we would be taking the plunge. Please join us in celebrating our new life together.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Update on My Eye

So, I'm not gonna go blind after all or have to wear an eye patch for the rest of my life (Yea!), but this whole thing has been quite an ordeal. In all, I have been to the eye doctor three times in a week and a half, and Lens Crafters calls me more than my own mother. Needless to say, next time I will be looking for a new eye doctor...I can't deal with the communication gap.

Here's how it all went down:

Saturday July 15th
1:30pm--Go to eye doctor, have ulcer, told I have to wear glasses and use drops.
2 pm--Fill Rx for drops, continue to wear sunglasses over regular glasses, get lots of weird looks.

Sunday July 16th
12pm--Go to Lens Crafters, try on almost every frame in the store, pick one, have to special order my lenses, get temporary lenses.
2 pm--Pick up glasses, decide that I hate them, order more glasses.
2:30pm--Have a BBQ at the pool and have to swim the whole day in my glasses, really decide that I HATE them.

Monday July 17th
8am--Get lots of compliments on them at work, I still hate them.
12:30pm--Go to another Lens Crafters and spend an hour trying on more frames, have them transferred.

(various compliments, comments, calls, and messages throughout the week)

Saturday July 22nd
12:15pm--Go to the eye doctor, no more ulcer (yea!), get new contacts to try.
2pm--Get home and try on new contacts, they make me so dizzy I can barely stand, call my eye doctor and leave her a nasty message (jk).
3:30pm--Go pick out new glasses, lenses are still not in, tell them that I think the Rx might be a bit off and to wait to cut them when they do come in, walk around the mall while trying not to trip over my feet that suddenly seem like they are a lot closer then they normally would be, have my eye doctor leave me some new contacts for me to pick up and schedule yet another appointment.

Sunday July 23rd--Wear my glasses again--all day long.

Monday July 24th
12:45pm--Go pick up my new contacts, I can see again!!
3pm--Lens Crafters calls and says that my new glasses are ready, I call them back and cuss him out until I make the guy cry and apologize for not listening to me when I said "DO NOT cut them yet" (jk).

Tuesday July 24th
12:45pm--Go back to the eye doctor, my Rx has "miraculously" changed (it was either a divine intervention or she didn't want to admit that she had screwed up), she gave me the right Rx (finally!), and now I have sight--normal can walk a straight line, not make me sick to my stomach--sight!

Today, I'm going to get my new glasses. I think they are VERY cute but I hope to never have wear them again. I have officially started saving for lasik!


Blogger Kara (Turskey) Vaught said...

Why did you leave out the part about taking random boy with you to pick out new frames?

7/27/2006 7:36 PM  
Blogger Tami said...

i'm curious. who's random boy? i'm glad you got everything worked out! random question: are you going to homecoming??

8/01/2006 5:08 PM  

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